Governance and Transparency

Providing Direction, Strategic Leadership And Insight​

Governance Excellence

BlockW is committed to maintaining the highest standard of governance and transparency. Maintaining high standards of governance is key to demonstrating accountability to all stakeholders. We work hard to ensure that we are accountable in what we do and transparent in how we do it. 

The board meets a minimum of five times a year and has responsibility to ensure ensure governance is in line with best practice and that operational functions meet all requirements under current legislation, charitable and company law. The Steering and Advisory groups meet and report on a regular basis to the board. 

Board of Directors

Our Board comprises four directors with backgrounds in education, finance, law, business, all of whom have a track record of promoting access and inclusion in technology and education.

We maintain an equitable gender balance on the board. All directors are voluntary and receive no renumeration.

Our Structure

The Advisory Steering Group is actively involved in delivering BlockW’s Mission and Vision.

The Academic Advisory Group keep BlockW abreast of current and future developments in emerging technologies and works to facilitate and encourage research.: The Ambassadors’ role is to highlight the work of BlockW and to continue an active association with its work, mission and vision. We have part time administrative support.

Strategic Plan

We work continuously on our strategic plan to ensure we are delivering in line with our mission.

The annual operating budget is closely monitored and arises from income generated from industry partners and supporters.

Our Policies 

Block W makes its financial statements publicly available in keeping with best practices of transparency, governance and accountability and makes annual returns to the Company Registration Office (CRO).